This will be a fun class for all levels. Yupo is a slick, synthetic paper that has wonderful lifting ability. With watercolor and the use of objects you will learn to create unusual textures with watercolor on Yupo. You really can’t go wrong. If you don’t like what you have created, simply wipe it back to the white of the paper and start over. So, relax and discover the joys of painting on Yupo. Bring your own lunch.

Supplies Needed:
A 10 sheet pack of 74 # 11×14 or split a pack with a friend
Your fave watercolors and watercolor paints in 15 ml tubes. No pans please
Water Container:
One or more large water containers: an old gallon milk carton cut in half, a plastic butter container etc.
A plastic pallet with a lid. It can be rectangular or round
A large and small, round brushes with a nice point
Pallet knife
Kneaded eraser